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National Healthy Skin Month – November 2019

National Healthy Skin Month 

It’s time to pay attention to your skin. National Healthy Skin Month each November is sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology. You may not realize it, but your skin reveals a lot about your overall health. This month makes you aware of what it takes to keep your skin healthy as well as understanding how to treat and prevent common skin problems. National Healthy Skin Month stresses how to correctly use sunscreen and offers helpful tips on how to check your skin periodically to prevent skin cancer.

National Healthy Skin Month – History

The 1990s

​Marketing campaigns pushed UVA protection

They promoted sunscreens with UVA protection against cancer and premature aging.

The 1960s

​Sunscreens rated for sun protection introduced

​Sunscreens with SPF (sun protection factor) ratings measured the percentage of the sun’s damaging UV rays that penetrated through to the skin.


​A self-tanning product entered the market

​A self-tanning product called Man-Tan gave the illusion of actual suntanned skin without spending time in the sun.

How to Observe National Healthy Skin Month

1.   Chill out

Put your feet up and manage your stress. Stress makes your skin break out and can make skin conditions like psoriasis much worse. Get your rest — between seven and nine hours a day. Exercise in the fresh air from time to time and breathe.

2.   Hydrate daily

Sometimes the simplest actions give you the greatest benefits. Hydrating your entire body by drinking eight glasses of water daily is another cool way to moisturize your precious skin. Add lemons and other fruit to make your daily drinks even more refreshing. If plain water is boring, try adding cucumbers as well. Water clears out the dangerous toxins that hurt your skin.

3.   Check your skin for spots and blemishes

Since November is National Healthy Skin Month, winter is an especially good time to check yourself carefully for spots with unusual shapes or colors that might indicate skin cancer. Look for moles that seem to appear. People with darker complexions aren’t exempt from skin cancer. Although skin irregularities are not often apparent on darker skin, people of ethnic backgrounds tend to die more often from skin cancer.

4 Facts That Give You “The Skinny” On Your Skin

1.     ​Here’s the thick and thin of it

​Did you know that your feet are padded with the thickest skin on your body and your eyelids have the thinnest?

2.     ​You shed

​Some sources say that just like our dogs and cats, almost half of the dust we shed in our home is dead skin.

3.     ​We renew monthly

Just like clockwork, our skin renews itself every 28 days.

4.     ​Pay attention to your skin

​Skin changes may indicate health changes.